- 錦龍科(kē)技(jì):聚力鑽門議研,持續引領PCB生(shēng)産設備的(de亮山)高端化發展
- 2021-7-30
- 2021中國國際電子電路(l鐵城ù)(上海(hǎi))展覽會(huì)吧劇期間,深圳市小記錄科技有限公現年司(簡稱:錦龍科(kē)技(冷道jì))爲PCB行(xí電很ng)業(yè)客戶介紹了(le)公司及兄弟畫做公司深圳大首自(zì)動化技(jì)術(shù)和這有限公司(簡稱:大首自(zì)動化)的(de)新物亮産品方案。 深圳市小記錄科也村技有限公司是(shì)一(yī)家(j電請iā)國家(jiā)高新他東技(jì)術(shù)企刀他業(yè)(編号:GR20妹藍1944203773)。公司一(yī)貫科理緻力于……【See More】
- 錦龍科(kē)技(jì)在電測亮日設備及包裝自(zì)動化水(shuǐ)平領域答體的(de)成績,行(xí身身ng)業(yè)有目共睹
- 2021-7-30
- 錦龍科(kē)技(jì)&大首自是制(zì)動化 誠邀您莅臨展土中台考察 2020國際電子兵去電路(lù)(深圳)展覽會(huì) 1謝如2月(yuè)2-4日(rì)|音男深圳會(huì)展中心 展位:1展館們如,1M31 深圳市小記錄科技有限公司是(sh新是ì)一(yī)家(jiā)國家(jiā)高裡行新技(jì)術(shù)企業(yè)但紙(編号:GR2019442來問03773)。公司一(yī)貫緻力于技(j要還ì)術(shù)創新,培養并組建了(le)一(y草下ī)支極富創新能力的(de)研發開地隊伍, 隊伍……【See More】
- 第27屆中國國際電子電路(lù)展覽會什快(huì)
- 2018-2-5
- 第27屆中國國際電子電路(機區lù)展覽會(huì)在國家(jiā)會(h嗎北uì)展中(國家(jiā))隆重舉匠市行(xíng),該展會(huì)一(yī)年舉公店行(xíng)一(yī)次,爲了(le什吧)更好(hǎo)地服務客戶,公司将通過參加這次展時學會(huì)向廣大客戶展示了(le)錦龍公司的(中金de)産品,還提供最專業(yè)雪玩,最全面自(zì)動化解決道們方案。屆時歡迎您來考察指導! 展會(文喝huì)英文名:China int兵有'l PCB & Ass分市embly……【See More】
- PCB Information Netwo歌計rk Interview 空長with our general 門志manager
- 2017-7-13
- Ride the wind and waves 舞相pilot technology gen中明eral manager Xu Xiang妹厭xi - an interview wi金女th Jin Long[source]: P日科CB information net費國work [author]: 麗劇Fanny [date of 林女publication]:是輛 2013-10-14If with Xu雨兒 only a nodding acq都作uaintance with, r微木eunion in the 聽章crowd, ……【See More】
- International circuit 妹一board and el數大ectronic assembly So爸麗uthern China Exhibit國費ion
- 2017-7-13
- Board and electronic 機海assembly line of th計場e Southern C請水hina exhibit服朋ion area once a 業用year as schedule妹機d arrival, in ord木高er to better serve cu熱商stomers, improve the m票弟arket competitiveness慢笑, we constantly, we sh制長ow the single arm in 2慢費012 on display fo喝少r the fi……【See More】
- The twenty-second小長 China Internat得輛ional Electronic ci低我rcuit exhibit章區ion 2013
- 2017-7-13
- Division I w外市ill be held in Shangh我在ai to participa到醫te in the "twen光少ty-second China Int空她ernational Exhibition C工她hinese electronic 票商circuit" in March 視音19, 2013 -3 month 21 da地水ys, invite colleagues a鐵月nd counterparts to ou科看r booth to visit the gui慢媽de, valuable自業 a……【See More】
- 2012.11.28--2012.1章多1.30 to participat明子e in the 2012 internatio裡事nal circuit boar關窗d and electr器內onic assembly exhibitio務分n
- 2017-7-13
- Shenzhen Jinlong 快紙Technology Co., Lt要國d. was founded in 2站國004, is a PCB oriented關雪 test professional s靜的ervice company. S們開ince the testing 店商machine R &吃國 D 2006 inde機科pendent brand succe這看ss, the company has op相工erations to 人大expand the t生視esting machine R &年店; D……【See More】